
Form Completion

Industry Challenge

The Problem You Face :

Online forms serve a multitude of purposes on websites – lead generation, service sign-up, customer service, and more. But most website users have reported abandoning a form they’ve begun, leading to lost opportunities for the business. Whether it’s because a form is too long, is confusing, or requires information that gives a site visitor a pause because of privacy issues, abandoned forms mean lost business.

The statistics

The Bottom Line:


Percentage of website users who’ve abandoned a form they’ve begun filling out


Percentage of site users who’ve abandoned a form because of security concerns


Percentage of website users who’ve given up on a form because it was too long

Our Solution

How We Can Help

Proactive engagement with site visitors who are contemplating abandoning your form is critical – before they leave your site. Only 20% of users will return to a website to complete a form.

Our avatars can intervene when users exhibit a behavior typical of form abandoners. For example, if a user pauses on a form field asking for a social security number, the avatar can be triggered to ask the user if they have questions about site security and how data is used. Addressing a user’s concerns while they’re still on your site is critical to getting your forms completed.

Our avatars also provide reporting on the questions and responses that come from your users’ conversations with the avatars. That data is available to you and can help inform you as to what hesitations your users have with filling out the forms on your site.

Try a Demo

See It In Action

We’ve built a sample conversation within Health Care to demonstrate how an avatar can provide information, answer questions, and access account data to provide immediate assistance without using valuable human resources.

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